Laurie Keller (portrayed by Busy Philipps) is one of Jules Cobb's best-friends. Known for her fun-loving personality and often wild lifestyle, Laurie frequently butts heads with Jules' longtime best friend Ellie Torres.
Laurie grew up in Florida, being bounced around the foster care system. She eventually began working for Jules Cobb as her assistant at her real estate company.
After being persuaded by Grayson, she started Krazy Kakes by Laurie Keller and stopped working for Jules. Her latest menu consists of Lady Bug cake, Bunny cake, Gayke, Unicorn cake, Mermaid cake, Pregnant Mermaid cake, Wizard Hat cake, Puppy cake, Bruce Willis cake, Alan Rickman cake, Burrito cake, and Boob-shaped cupcakes.
One of Laurie's self disclosed hobbies is taking young men's virginity.
Laurie shares the same name as a real life children's book author/illustrator, who worked on books such as The Scrambled States of America, Arnie The Doughnut, and Potato Pants.